Monday, December 31, 2007
Med School Memories

Friday, December 28, 2007
I'll Be Home For Christmas

Mamaw came over a little later and brought our gifts to us. We made her open her present from us while she was there!!! We couldn't take the suspense!!!

Dad was playing the guitar in the Christmas Eve service at church so they had to head up there around 4:30. So when they left me and Scotty got ready to go have Christmas at his Mom's house with her side of the family. When we got there she had it decorated so beautifully and had all the tables set - down to place cards!!! So cute!!!
We hovered over our table because we couldn't wait to eat!!

The 4 Stooges!!
Family Portrait!!
I think my most favorite tradition on Scotty's side of the family is The Candy Tray. Mrs. Betty's dad started this when she was little and now she carries it on. He always made sure to have orange slices, Hersey's kisses, chocolate peanuts, cream drops, and ribbon candy. When cream drops are hard to find, they're substituted for M & M's.
We spent the night at Mom & Dad's and Santa came while we were asleep!! We had tons of neat gifts to open on Christmas morning!! Dad built a fire and had the video camera ready!!
Me & Amanda always sleep in matching pajamas and Dad films us coming downstairs. For some reason Scotty didn't wanna match our pj's!!
All 3 of us had letters from Santa to read before we opened our presents!! It was so much fun!!
Mom & Dad always open their presents together!!
My dad has never spent a Christmas Eve away from his mom so Granny always spends the night with us and gets up to watch us open presents. After we're done, the the grown ups get to open theirs!!
Edie waited patiently in her Christmas sweater until it was her turn to tear into the gifts!!
I decided to start a tradition of my own!! Christmas socks. I buy matching Christmas socks for all the girls in the family, give them out on Christmas Eve in their special sock boxes, and we all wear them on Christmas Day!!
Another Family Portrait!!
We left Granny's and went to MawMaw's house. She had a calf she was raising and it was the big hit!! Everybody had their moment with the calf!!

I even took a turn feeding it!!! You're crazy if you think I would do this all the time, but once in my life isn't bad!!! I think Scotty was quite proud!!

After the calf had been well fed we tied it up and moved on to something else. When no one was looking Bryson untied the calf and it got loose. It was quite an ordeal, but Mr. Robert finally got the situation under control!! When we asked Bryson why he untied the calf he said it was because it looked sad and needed to be set free!! His heart was in the right place!!

By the end of the night Edie was zonked out!! She had such a busy holiday she just couldn't hold her eyes open any longer!!! We decided we might better start getting ready to go. We loaded the car, wished everybody a Merry Christmas and headed back home to Tupelo. Edie slept the whole way!!

Friday, December 21, 2007
Cookie Swap

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Angel Tree Distribution

It makes you feel good to know that none of these angels will wake up on Christmas morning without any presents under the tree.

This is our first day with our tree set up at the mall.

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Holiday Visitors

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas Decor

We call this our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. But we love it and will probably use it for a long time, even if we get a new tree!! There's nothing wrong with having more than one!!

Here is our Christmas table!! There's nothing like eating at a beautifully set table!!

Are you saying you can't believe we have these stockings?? Well believe it cause they're a'hangin on that mantle!!! It's a good thing we have a double fireplace!! And this is Scotty's side!

My Granny painted this Nativity scene for me and I've put it out every year since I can remember. It's gorgeous!!

Yes, that's a 4 foot singing Santa you see there. And he dances. The arch is Scotty's favorite decoration in the house!!

Last year was our first Christmas as a married couple and we decided that one of our traditions would be to buy a new Christmas book every year and read it either on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. And this book kicked off our tradition!!

If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please don't do it on my Santa!!

We love being greeted by Frosty everyday!!

Now, while this segment is on MY Christmas decorations, I just had to share this house with you. It belongs to our friends Ashley and Jennifer Harris. Talk about sharing an obsession for Christmas!! Every time we are around each other we're always gabbing about our holiday decor!!! If this doesn't inspire you to put up a few lights, then you're crazy!!! I love, love, love their lights and I think these are the most beautiful in all of Tupelo!!! What an inspiration!!Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Spouse Alliance Christmas Party

Look at all these doctors!!! Brad, Scotty, Rob, Chris Fort, & Chris Park (the Chief)
Angie, Me, & Katherine
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Singin' Those Campfire Songs

It was the men's job to gather the firewood!! Good job Scotticus!!!
Bless her little heart, Edie thinks that all animals are her friend. She had to wear her reflective vest just in case she wanted to chase the cows. I tried to explain to her that hanging out with the cows = hanging with the wrong crowd!! But all she wanted to do the whole night was warm herself by the fire!!! Good girl!!!
We Love When Family Visits

Saturday, December 1, 2007
Tupelo Christmas Parade
Edie Luuuuzzzz her Jenn - Jenn!!

A parade is NOT a parade until the band comes blastin' through!!
Santa Clause is coming to town!!! O wait, looks like he already made it to Tupelo!!!