brother-in-law is really depressed that he hasn't had a spot on the blog yet. And I said, "OOOOOOOOOO don't worry home slice, you're gonna have your own whole post!!! Eversince I told him this, he's been sleeping a little better at night. There's so much to say about Brad.... where should I start. Sometimes I don't even wanna put the "in-law" part on there because I just feel like he's so much closer than that!!! Like we're related by blood. I'm Brad's hero and he wanted to get that tatooed across his arm, but it took weeks of begging to talk him out of it. I finally made him realize that I was always in his heart and didn't hafta be on his arm. And since he's so great I wanted to give him this tribute in pictures!!!
Here it goes.........To the BEST brother-in-law, no, I mean BROTHER a girl could ask for!!!
Awwww.......There's that million dollar smile!!!
We had to be real careful of the pics we posted of him because he IS a public servant.
This isn't Brad, but it's a great picture of his kid!!!
And here's his other one!!! I'm just about the best sister-in-law, NO, I mean SISTER EEEEVVVVVEEEERRRRR!!!!! You can ask Brad, he'll agree!!
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