Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Well, well, well!!! Me and Scotty have finally given in to all the hype!! We both got Facebook pages!! Honestly, I can't believe we actually did it. We always said would never get anything like that because you never know who's gonna talk to you, you can't control what people say, we had the blog to share pictures so we were just gonna steer clear of Facebook. But apparently Facebook has taken over the world, because everybody we talk to says, oh i'll just hit you up on Facebook. Facebook this, Facebook that!! I think we may have been the only people in America that didn't have pages so we gave in!! And I must say, we've had it for 4 days and I'm already getting tons of friends!! I felt really popular the first day because I had like 50 friends and I was OMG I should've done this a long time ago!! Everybody loves me!! And then I started looking at peoples pages and they all had like over 800 friends!! I quickly realized I'm really not all that popular!! HAHAHA!! But, it really is neat to see pics and talk to people you haven't seen in a long time!! But OMG!!! All the lingo is really gettin to me!! Like a wall? What? I don't even know how to work all this hullabaloo, but I guess I'll figure it out!! But don't worry I'm much more of a blog kinda girl, so this whole Facebook phase of my life will not drown out the Blog!!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Glad you gave in to the hype....but more glad that the blog will not die!! :0)