Sunday, November 15, 2009

The ole Honda had a flat tire the other day. Daddy didn't think he could do all by himself so he enlisted the help of his little partner!! They did a great job and got it all taken care of!! F.Y.I.- every time we go outside now, Tanner goes and sits by the tire!!

The men of the house gearing up for a hard day's work!!

Daddy's teaching Tanner lots about the real world!!

Tanner giving Daddy a little instruction on what to do next!!


Angie said...

Cute pictures! That flat tire was my attempt to keep y'all here in Tupelo. Guess it didn't work.
he he :)


how did I not know you had a blog? I am so glad that now I can see pics of your family!! I miss y'all!!! Tanner is a CLONE of Scotty!!! So cute!!!