Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Community Helper Week

September 26th-30th was Community Helper Week at Tanner's school. They spent the week learning about all the different occupations that help people in our community. The teachers asked Scotty to come speak to Tanner's class about being a doctor. I can't believe I didn't take a picture, but Scotty brought home goodies for all the kids from his office and I made them each a doctor's bag with their name on it. Each bag had a pair of latex gloves, a bandaid, a tongue depressor, a sucker, and a sticker. At the end of the week, they got to dress up as their favorite community helper. Tanner was so proud to show off his Daddy at school!!
My two docs!!

I know this picture is blurry, but it's the only one I could get of Tanner being the line leader and bringing his class to meet his Daddy!!

Scotty talked to Tanner's friends and read them a book and then showed them some of the instruments he uses at the clinic.

Scotty needed a volunteer to let him check their ears and of course picked Tanner!! Look at how excited and proud Tanner is!!! Scotty told him Barney was in one ear and Dora was in the other!!

Then Tanner got to take the otoscope around to show all his friends!!

Scotty with all the kids.

Like father, like son.

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