Saturday, September 6, 2008

Walkin' In The Hood

I can't drive for 3 weeks and Tanner can't socialize too much until he gets his 6 week shots so we've been getting him very acquainted with his new home!! Scotty's been getting us out as much as possible for not having any shots yet and Tanner has had lots of fun being outside the tummy!! But today we decide to have fun outside the house so we went for our first walk!! And I'll hafta give myself props because I walked a pretty good way for recovering from a c-section!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Valerie & Scotty!! We are so happy for you. Tanner is adorable. Carl was so excited about him being born on his birthday. Ya'll are very special and dear to our hearts, and we couldn't be more excited that little Tanner has arrived healthy and just adorable. We can't wait to see him personally. We showed MeMe and Grand-Dad your blog spot the other night and they both are so very excited for ya'll. Hope to see ya'll soon...Much love, Lena