Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Never Again

Me and Scotty are pretty much the traditional family. He goes to work, does all our money stuff and pays the bills. He's the provider. I stay at home and keep it clean and organized, cook, and spend a lot of time getting ready for Tanner. I'm the homemaker. There's not really a lot that I ask Scotty to do around the house since he works so hard all the time. However, there are a few things I just cannot do. Examples: I cannot take out the trash, deal with bugs/wildlife, or anything else that falls under the "Gross" category. Our trash runs once a week - on Thursdays so we usually try to set out the trash on Wednesday nights. (We = him in this particular instance!) I decided I was going to help Scotty out with his gross chore and take the trash out for him. Just trying to be a good wife and to ease some of his load when he got home. I gather up the bags, lug them outside and set them on the ground. Then, I walked over to the can to lift the lid and that's when I saw my life flash before my eyes. This huge green, gross, yuck frog was in my way!!! Needless to say the trash was left in the side yard and Scotty had to deal with it when he got home. That was my first and last attempt to take out the trash and it was traumatic!! Never Again!!

1 comment:

Ash and Toby said...

HAHAHAHA!!! That is too funny!!!

Cute little fella isn't he?!
