Friday, June 26, 2009

Le Bonheur 2009

Scotty's residency program requires him to do 2 months of pediatric training at LeBonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis. You hafta stay a month at a time and most people really dread it. It's a good rotation and you learn a lot, but everybody's ready to come back home!! Me and Tanner went with Scotty so we could all still be together!! We had a good time, but were definitely ready to get back!! It's not the best area of town so me and Tanner stayed in the apartment a lot but when Scotty was off we did try to at least go out to eat and most of the time it was Moe's - imagine that!! I didn't do the best job of taking pictures, but this was the view from out apartment window!! Needless to say we watched lots of sunsets!!

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