Sunday, October 18, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Back in July Tanner and I were invited to go to Vacation Bible School with Angie and Emily. This was the first time Tanner had ever done anything like this and he had so much fun!! We would meet in the sanctuary to sing songs, then go to our separate classes for snack, then a skit, then meet back in the sanctuary for more songs and then we'd go home. Tanner loves music so I knew he would like all the singing, but I was so proud of him the way he interacted with the other kids. He made lots of friends and had so much fun with Emily. The theme was Heroes of the Bible where we studied Noah, Moses and Abraham. Every night there was a skit to go along with each story. Most of the kids didn't do so well during this time, but Emily and Tanner loved it and paid close attention. We made sure to be at EVERY skit!! The last night was a hot dog supper and they had blow up jumping machines for all the kids!! Here are some pictures from our time at Vacation Bible School!! Thanks for inviting Tanner, Emily!!!

We're Boostin' Up Bible School!!

Here's Tanner at the table with his class for snack time.
The parents would sit at the back of the room so Tanner kept turning around to make sure I was still there. After he was reassured he'd turn back around and pay attention to his teacher.

Here they are learning about the animals that went on the ark!! Tanner has an elephant in his hand!! This boy loves him some Bible school!!

Tanner loves Emily and they play so well together. Here they are playing in a little tug boat!

Here's Tanner at the hot dog supper!! He ate so good and couldn't wait to go jump!

Here they are in the jumping machine!! They loved every minute of it!! And just let me tell you, when it was time to leave it was so hard to get Tanner out of there!! He would've spent the night in that thing!!

1 comment:

Angie said...

....which reminds me- I owe you a picture CD! Sorry!