Monday, February 7, 2011

Gearin' Up

I had so many holiday pictures that I just had to split them into 2 posts. This one will be all the activities leading up to Christmas and then I'll do another one just for Christmas!!
So here we go....

My mother-in-law has these plushes on her tree and Tanner loves them!! He always wanted to hold them every time we were there and, of course, Mimi and PopPop gave in!! The Grinch had a button to push on his hand that made him sing and Tanner would always wanna "wake him up" and when The Grinch stopped singing he would say, "Oh, he went to sweep (sleep)!!" He learned the song from playing with it so much and now runs around the house singing, "You're a mean one, Mr. Gwinch!!"

Each year I always buy a new decoration to add to our collection. This year I found 2 things I absolutely could NOT live without!! I had been dying to have a red Christmas tree to hang our Christmas cards on and I found one!!! I hafta brag that I got this $300 tree for $20!!!! Yeh, you read that right!!! I didn't leave off a zero!!! Thank goodness the tree was "damaged." All I've gotta say is one man's trash is another man's treasure!!! Every time I came through the front door I felt like I was stepping right into Whoville!!!

Our other Christmas addition was this wreath I made for the front door!!! I got all the parts at The Canton Flea Market and was very pleased with the way it turned out!! Love it!!

My parents always give Tanner a Christmas ornament each year to hang on his Christmas tree. (Yes, he's got his own tree in his room!!)
And this year it was very special bc it was very similar to an ornament my Dad has had since he was a kid and that's the first one he hangs on the tree every year!! We had a small accident with the first one, but thankfully they were able to run out and get Tanner another one!! Thanks Granna & Pa!!
Me & Tanner went over to help decorate Granna & Pa's tree and he was lovin' it!!

Me & Sister always help decorate too!!

Gwanna & Pa

Granny was a little chilly so she stayed wrapped up with the puppies!! She's so cute!!

Here's Tanner & Pa with their "Silent Night" ornaments!!

A few days later it was time for us to decorate our tree. So we got up that Saturday morning to get started and all of a sudden we heard the doorbell ring. We looked out the window, but no one was there....

But when we opened the door, we found a package from the North Pole!!!

Santa had sent Figgy, our elf, back to our house for the holidays!!!! So Tanner brought him in from the doorstep so we could read the book that Figgy had!!

Once we welcomed Figgy, it was time to start decorating our tree!! We turned on the Christmas carols and got to work!!

Tanner loves Christmas lights and everyday he would go behind the tree and sit on the windowsill and just watch the lights and touch all the ornaments he could reach. So sweet!!
Tanner loved these elves (you can't see the other one) and would climb up on our cubes and talk to them!! I got them from Mistletoe this year!! So fun!!

Figgy landed in Tanner's stocking one morning and Tanner thought it was the neatest thing!! I think that was his favorite place to find Figgy. This year was so much fun because Tanner was old enough to remember. So every morning he would wake up and run to find Figgy in his new spot!! It was so cute to see him so full of excitement and to watch his eyes get so big every morning!!

Tanner loved for me to make him a pallet on "Fidey" (Spidey as in Spiderman) so he could watch The Grinch with Leo and Max (the dog from The Grinch that Mimi got him).

We had lots of fun at the Christmas parade and got lots of candy!!

Scotty surprised us one night and took us to Canton to see all the lights and we had such a fun time!! If you haven't been to that you should!! If that doesn't get you in the Christmas spirit nothing will!! Afterwards we met my family at Cracker Barrel!!!

This nutcracker was one of Tanner's favorite things....probably because it dispensed M&M's!!! He called it his "Christmas man" and wanted it so much that we ended up having to keep it hidden!! You can't tell by his sweet angel face, but he could get down right vicious if you tried to take it away from him!!
A few times during the holidays I found Tanner reading his Christmas books in his room all by himself!! So sweet!!

And this has got to be Tanner's favorite show of all time!! Prep & Landing....better known around our house as "The Elvesies." I could probably recite this word for word because we watched it so many times!! Thank goodness, it's a cute show!! I remember he loved it even last year so we Tivo'd it and he watched it way after Christmas was over. As in that's what he watched while the movers loaded all our stuff in Tupelo. That was April!!! I'd say he likes this show!!

The boy also loves a gingerbread house!! And he made one with Mimi!!

Both Pa & PopPop had church Christmas musicals and we got to see them both in their tuxes!!
Here's Tanner & PopPop

....And Tanner & Pa!!!

He also loved to have breakfast in bed while he watched a Christmas show!!

And I'll leave you with these last two until the next Christmas post!!


Angie said...

Love your idea of putting the Christmas cards on a tree...might have to steal that some day when I actually decorate. :0) Your house looks so good!

amy said...

I L.O.V.E. him! Precious memories!!