Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Keely's 8th Birthday

September 24th was our niece, Keely's, 8th Birthday. She's so sweet and Tanner loves her so much!! She takes such great care of him and he could not wait to get to her party!!

The Sweet Birthday Girl

Keely wanted to rent a water slide for her party at Mimi's house and Tanner was super pumped about it. Although, he was even more excited about giving Keely her present. He made her open it as soon as we walked through the door!!

Here's Tanner and Daddy going to down the water slide. He turned out not to be a huge fan of it so I'm really glad I got this picture!! He preferred to play in the pool at the bottom!!


Scotty's action shot!! I think him and his brothers loved it as much, if not more than the kids!!

Keely's older brother, Bryson.

The boys: Scotty, Tanner, Todd, Brad & Bryson

Sweet little Miller wasn't a huge fan either!! (This is Keely's younger brother.)

Here's my sweet boy playin' it safe!!

Keely's party was so much fun and we can't wait to celebrate many more with her!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for blogging about her party! I love reading about your perspective on our fam and life! I miss you!