Monday, June 2, 2008

Edie Loves the Bed

To say that Edie loves our bed is an understatement!! She sleeps with us every night and snuzzles up under the covers. She has puppy stairs on the side of the bed so she can have easy access any time she wants. Every time I make the bed she climbs her stairs and and tries to take the sheets away from me!! It's hilarious!! And when I make up the bed in the mornings, sometimes she will not move and wants to be made up in the bed!! But the other day I had washed the sheets and started putting them back on and Scotty said, "put her under the fitted sheet and see what she does!!" So I did and she didn't wanna come out!! We couldn't believe it, but she actually fought us to stay under there!! She looked like a little mole running under the surface of the ground!! When I would try to grab her she would run and bark at me!! It was unreal!! We finally coaxed her out, but it was hard work!!

Edie also LOVES to sleep snuggled up to Scotty!! Sometime she gets in the bend of his legs. Other times she nestles herself in his arm pit. But this time she wedged herself between pillows and got all up in his face!! She was content as could be!! It was so cute!!

She always gives him Goodnight Kisses!!

Usually Edie's pretty clingy, but here lately she's been doing her own thing. And the last few days I'll be cleaning or something and she's no where to be found so I'll call her and she'll come bouncing out of our bedroom. So the other day I noticed she disappeared so I slipped into the bedroom to see if I could find out what she was up to in there!! She was in our made up bed!! Imagine that!! I tip-toed to the head of our bed and found her slumped down, snuggled up in our pillows!! She loved it and stayed there for hours!! Lazy little lady!!

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